Sunday, 5 May 2024

‘The Glassworker’ Soundtrack Released

EMI Pakistan has released a soundtrack album for the animated feature The Glassworker. The album features the film’s original music composed by Carmine Diflorio and Usman Riaz (who also directed the movie). Visit Amazon or any other major digital music services to stream/download the soundtrack. Also listen to the opening suite after the jump. The Glassworker is directed by Riaz and features (in its English language version) the voices of Art Malik, Sacha Dhawan, Tony Jayawardena, Anjli Mohindra, Teresa Gallagher, Maya Soraya, Mina Anwar and Sham Ali. The Mano Animation Studios production tells the story of a father and son running a glass workshop who find their lives upended by an impending war in which they want no part and whose relationship gets tested by the arrival an army colonel and his young, talented violinist daughter in their town. The movie will premiere next month at the Annecy International Film Festival and is set be released in Pakistan on July 26.

Here’s the track list of the album:

1. Opening Suite (2:46)
2. Nostalgia (1:00)
3. Now We Make It! (1:41)
4. Welcome to Oliver Glass (1:20)
5. Destiny (1:00)
6. Morning Market (1:00)
7. Wistful Dream (0:48)
8. The Fanfare of War (0:52)
9. Innocence (1:10)
10. Partita in D Minor (1:02)
11. You Know My Name (1:27)
12. Whimsey (1:47)
13. Departing Innocence (1:28)
14. Winds of Change (1:44)
15. Solitudine in B Minor (1:04)
16. Waltz of Courage (1:08)
17. Poppa’s Parachute Plunge (0:43)
18. The War Came to Us (0:22)
19. We’re a Part of it Now (1:52)
20. Departure (2:15)
21. Hello Vincent (0:34)
22. Vincent and Alliz (1:54)
23. Loss (0:23)
24. Concerto in B Flat (Rehearsal) (0:16)
25. A True Artist (0:39)
26. Invitation (1:41)
27. Mother’s Necklace (0:27)
28. Concerto in B Flat (0:59)
29. Sea of Dreams (1:38)
30. Partita in D Minor (Encore) (0:56)
31. The War Trudges On (0:39)
33. The Battle of the Great Ravine (2:03)
34. Aftermath (2:23)
35. Djinn (1:00)
36. Let It Burn (0:42)
37. Alliz’s Farewell (0:40)
38. Sinister Premonitions (1:24)
39. Destruction (0:55)
40. Recollections of Innocence (2:57)
41. Gentle Reflection (0:17)
42. The Journey Home (0:36)
43. Reunion (1:47)
44. Sea of Dreams Reprise (2:23)
45. The Glassworkers Melancholy (1:34)

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