Chromium Music Group has announced a soundtrack album for the BBC nature documentary series Mammals. The album features selections of the show’s original music composed by Thomas Farnon (Our Planet, Super Eagles ’96, Fight the Power). The soundtrack will be released digitally next Friday, May 10. Check back on this page for the streaming/download link. Mammals is narrated by Sir David Attenborough, executive produced by Roger Webb and produced by Scott Alexander. The BBC Studios Natural History Unit production offers fascinating insights into the most successful animal group in the world, from the tiny Etruscan shrew to the giant blue whale, and reveals the secrets of their success. The 6-parter premiered in the UK over the last couple weeks and the final epsisode will debut this coming Sunday on BBC One.
Here’s the track list of the album:
1. Mammals Suite (3:12)
2. Mammals – Main Title (0:30)
3. Striped Marlin (2:37)
4. The Star-Nosed Mole (4:37)
5. Austin Bats (3:03)
6. Pig-Tailed Macaques (4:51)
7. Whale Nursery (1:59)
8. Giraffe Fight (4:24)
9. Flying Squirrel (4:47)
10. Golan Heights (4:43)
11. False Orca (6:01)
12. Independence (2:15)
13. The Arctic (2:02)
14. Svalbard Reindeer (7:11)
15. Mud Rings (3:53)
16. Master The Heat (1:46)
17. Spotted Hyena (2:56)
18. Macaque Heist (3:40)
19. Orca (5:47)
20. Etruscan Shrew (4:20)
21. The New Wild (1:51)
22. Otters (3:29)
23. Howler Monkeys (6:33)
24. The Forest (1:58)
25. Chimps (6:12)
26. Bengal Tiger (2:27)
27. Hippos in Drought (5:50)
28. Arizona Squirrel (4:18)
29. Coyotes Journey (1:13)
30. Burrowing (2:21)
31. Bearded Capuchins (6:23)
32. Ngorongoro Crater (2:39)
33. The Deep (2:07)
34. Sifaka (4:30)
35. Two to Tango (1:53)
36. The Arctic Fox (5:27)
37. Bison Comeback (3:41)
38. Harp Seals (2:56)
39. Lost Pup (3:34)
40. Into The Night (2:11)
41. Fennec (2:21)
42. Naughty Pika (4:35)
43. Snow Leopard (3:42)
44. Yak Hunt (3:41)
45. Fruit Bats (4:30)
46. Sperm Whale (2:37)
47. Nets (4:50)
48. Making of Mammals (1:11)
49. Mammals – Next Time (0:35)
50. Mammals – End Credits (0:36)
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