Sunday 24 September 2023

‘A Cat Called Dom’ Soundtrack EP Released

Highpony has released a soundtrack EP for the British documentary A Cat Called Dom. The 5-track EP features the film’s original music composed by Richard Luke. The soundtrack is now available to stream/download on Amazon and any other major digital music services. A Cat Called Dom is directed by Will Anderson, co-directed by Ainslie Henderson and details Anderson’s relationship with his mother and their journey following her cancer diagnosis. The movie follows the filmmaker and animator as he privately keeps council with an animated cat called Dom. The documentary premiered at last year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival and just opened in UK theaters this past Friday.

Here’s the track list of the EP:

1. Drone, Foreboding (1:31)
2. Where Are You Will? (1:46)
3. Flashbacks (1:51)
4. Connect (1:39)
5. Searching for Files (1:15)


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