Friday 14 July 2023

‘Mother’s Day’ (‘Dzien Matki’) Soundtrack Released

Netflix Music has released a soundtrack album for the Polish Netflix original film Mother’s Day (Dzien Matki). The album features the movie’s original music written by Polish DJ/electronic music producer/composer Zamilska (Ruiner). The soundtrack is now available to stream/download here, where you can also check out audio samples. Mother’s Day is co-written and directed by Mateusz Rakowicz and stars Agnieszka Grochowska, Adrian Delikta, Dariusz Chojnacki, Paweł Koślik, Paulina Chruściel and Arkadiusz Brykalski. The action thriller follows a former special agent whose son she’s never known gets kidnapped and dusts off her deadly skills to bring home. The film premiered this past May and is now available to stream on Netflix.

Here’s the album track list:

1. Fight First (2:43)
2. Mother’s Day (0:44)
3. My Kid (0:44)
4. Miss You (1:04)
5. Come Here, Little Shit (1:21)
6. For Real (0:32)
7. Find Out (1:49)
8. Two Mothers (1:42)
9. Dushan Dragon (1:23)
10. Iceberg of Shit (1:19)
11. The Monkeys (0:46)
12. Where Is the Boy (1:19)
13. Carrot Killer (2:09)
14. I’m Coming for You (0:30)
15. Tytus Travel (0:59)
16. Past the Limit (0:30)
17. Voltometer Party (3:06)
18. Free Us (0:49)
19. Who Are You (1:12)
20. Sick Spot (0:30)
21. Let Me Enlighten You (1:35)
22. Call the Witch (1:37)
23. You Know Something (1:40)
24. Inelegant (1:07)
25. Meltdown (2:13)
26. Voltoshnikov (0:59)
27. Kill’Em All (2:20)
28. The Truth (0:30)
29. The End Is Nigh (3:52)
30. What a Shitshow (1:08)
31. Five Hours (1:13)
32. Checkmate (1:27)
33. You Should Think of Fire (0:49)
34. Let Them Go (1:32)
35. Back Home (0:30)
36. Walking in Circles (1:55)
37. For Him, For Her (0:30)
38. Mother and Son (2:19)
39. Mother’s Day Finale (3:51)


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